
Associated cooperatives.

The O.P. C.O.P. (Consorzio Ortofrutticolo Padano) is O.P. in accordance with EC Regulation 2200/96 since December 1998. Its associated cooperatives are 13.

Una mela rossa

List of Cooperatives.


90 associated farms with considerable quantities of zero residue apples and pears. The productions for the transformation industry are equally very interesting.

Cooperativa Ortofrutticola Padana Via Ca' Nova Zampieri 15, 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto (Vr)

OBA - Angiari (VR):

130 associated producers, working in the area south of Verona for fruit (apples and pears) and horticultural productions. Efficient warehouse for the conditioning of the product.

Cooperativa Agricola Ortofrutticola Basso Adige, Via Vittorio Veneto 248, 37050 Angiari (Vr)

SCOB - Begosso (VR):

40 associated farms in the area between Verona, Padua and Rovigo. This is a cooperative devoted to the fruit production (apples, pears, peaches) with a capacious warehouse for the conservation and the processing of the product through a modern fruit calibrator which selects also the degree of the color of the fruit.

Cooperativa Agricola Ortofrutticola Begosso, Via Dei Caduti 7, 37040 Begosso (Vr)

IL PESCO - Bussolengo (VR):

52 associated farms producing peaches, nectarines and kiwis.

Cooperativa Agricola Ortofrutticola Il Pesco Di Pescantina E Bussolengo, Piazza Vittorio Veneto 93, 37012 Bussolengo (Vr)

SCOV - Villafranca (VR):

65 associated farms working in the area around Villafranca (VR) producing peaches, nectarines and kiwis.

Societa' Cooperativa Ortofrutticola Villafranca Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata Con Sigla S.C.O.V. Via Fantoni 44 37069 Villafranca (Vr)

COV - Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)

64 associated farms producing peaches, nectarines and kiwis.

Cooperativa Ortofrutticola Di Valeggio Sul Mincio Societa' Cooperativa A.R. - C.O.V. - Soc. Coop. A R.L. Loc. S.Graziano 37067 Valeggio Sul Mincio (Vr)

LA ROCCA - Pernumia (PD):

103 associated farms with warehouses for the packaging of the fruit and horticoltural products, among which asparagus and Castelfranco Radicchio IGP certainly stand out.

La Rocca Societa' Cooperativa Agricola Via Brigata Julia 38 35020 Pernumia (Pd)

Top Frutta - Villafranca di Verona :

15 associated farms for considerable productions of peaches, nectarines and kiwis.

Cooperativa Top Frutta - Societa' Cooperativa A.R.L. Via Ca' Nova Zampieri 15 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto Vr

COPAS - Sommacampagna (VR):

68 associated farms in the area of Sommacampagna producing peaches, nectarines, kiwis and apples.

Cooperativa Ortofrutticola Produttori Agricoli Di Sommacapagna Via Cesarina 16, 37066 Sommacampagna (Vr)

LA MANTOVANA - Magnacavallo (MN):

15 associated farms producing watermelons, melons and pumpkins.

Societa' Cooperativa Agricola La Mantovana Via Voglia 5 46020 Magnacavallo (Mn)

COAP di Badia Polesine (RO):

81 associated farms with considerable quantities of apples, pears and peaches in the district of Rovigo and in the surrounding area.

Cooperativa Ortofrutticola Alto Polesine Via Bronziero 349, 45021 Badia Polesine (Ro)


857 associated farms. This is a Consortium of producers of cherries working in Valpolicella (Verona); the marketing area of the typical Veronese cherry (for which the IGP trademark has been requested) is around Negrar (VR).

Consorzio Ortofrutticolo Colline Veronesi Via Francia 5, 37024 Negrar (Vr)

ADIGE FRUIT di Begosso (VR):

8 associated farms producing apples and pears in the area south of Verona.

Adige Fruit Via Dei Caduti 7/B 37040 Begosso Di Terrazzo (Vr)

Recapiti OPCOP

OPCOP 2007 - Consorzio Ortofrutticolo Padano Soc. Coop. | P. iva 02850670239 | C.F. 00168070142 | [0]