It is one of the first Venetian fruits the Ministry of Agricolture gave the IGP label (protected geographic indication) to for its history and quality. The peach from Verona has been cultivated in the area around town since the Roman era and since 1500 in the Garda Lake area.
The production area of the “Peach from Verona” IGP is limited to the disctrict of Verona, comprising the whole territory of the communes of Bussolengo, Buttapietra, Castel d’Azzano, Mozzecane, Pastrengo, Pescantina, Povegliano, S. Giovanni Lupatoto, Sommacampagna, Sona, Valeggio sul Mincio, Villafranca, Castelnuovo del Garda, Lazise, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella, San Martino Buon Albergo, Verona, and Zevio. The typical peaches from Verona are solely those with a white or yellow flesh and the nectarines with early, medium or late maturity.
The color of the fruit epidermis is quite intense, the flesh is solid and juicy, with a characteristic flavor due to the right balance between level of sugar and acid caused by the low vegetative activity of the trees and the suitable climate, protected by the hills and the mildness of the Garda Lake.
